Tuesday, June 11, 2013

And So It Begins...

If you always wait for the right time you may never begin. - Amish proverb

Life around here is swirling with moments and milestones. This week Nathan finished up elementary school, Ava conquered kindergarten and Shea effortlessly ditched her training wheels. The three of them... different personalities to say the least, growing up and growing wings.

Nathan. Patient. Humble. Smart. Handsome. Gentle. Practical. Athletic.

Ava. Sweet. Emotional. Sensitive. Dreamer. Artsy. Beautiful. Clever. Little Miss Sunshine.

Shea. Tenacious. Rule-follower. Cute. Perceptive. Daring. Wise.

This blog is for us as it is for them.  It is a space to document and journal our life. Them growing and us letting go.  

Letting go...